Tuesday, October 4, 2011

31 Days of Loving Life {Day 4 Steps To Happiness}

Day 4 Steps to Happiness

If you missed Day 3, please click here.

Over the past few days we have seen how discontentment robs us of the ability to be happy and to love life.  Today, I would like to explore the steps to happiness. 

The current sermon series at my church is The Church Revealed from Revelation.  Sunday's text is the perfect starting point for today.

Revelation 2:5(b) Repent and do.
The three steps that our pastor outlined for "Repent and Do" are:

Repent first and then:

1. Change Your Mind

2. Change Your Heart

3. Change Your Actions

The first step, Change Your Mind, is the foundation that we must lay to reach the height of our happiness.  You must choose to be happy.  Happy isn't a given. 

Every day we can choose to be happy or we can choose to be unhappy. 

No, we don't see it as a choice at the moment we are forced to choose, but it is a choice.  A choice has to be made.  Don't let your circumstances make the choice for you.

Changing your mind is a choice that only you can make.  And, be warned, it's a choice you will need to continue to make.

The second step, Change your heart, is the center of the solution.  The core.  It's the glue that holds it all together.

To change your heart you need to spend time in the Word and in prayer.  You probably won't see a transfiguration of your heart overnight, but one day, you will look back in amazement at the change that has taken place.

In addition to scripture study and prayer, you can also read Christian devotions and books or listen to cds.

I'm a huge fan of Joel Osteen and Kenneth Copeland.  They both combine teaching and encouragement through daily emails, which I love.

When your heart changes, your will see that your entire life will begin to change.

The third step of the process is Change Your Actions. 

You may not like to read books or devotions.  Maybe you don't like to listen to teaching cds or itunes.  This is part of the change in your actions. 

Take it one step at a time.  Doing a little will eventually add up to a lot.

We may not have full control of our circumstances but we do have full control of our actions.

I have applied these very same steps in my life and continue to do so even now. 

To be honest, I don't recognize the person I was 10 years ago.  For that, I am extremely thankful.  I wasn't happy with who I was then, and I'm still not happy with that person now.  But, can I tell you something?  That person is no more.  I am so much happier with the person I am today and the person I am continually growing to be.

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