Sunday, October 9, 2011

31 Days of Loving Life {Day 9 Be Something To Someone}

You can't be all things to all people, but you can be something to someone.

We all have obligations (most likely up to our ears!) but think of how wonderful the world would be if we all dedicated a snipet of time each day to love on someone else!  It doesn't have to take a lot of time.  A quick email, a short tweet, a simple facebook message, only take moments, and could completely turnaround someone's day.

Like the single mom that is so overwhelmed or our friend that has been sick for a while.  Or our friend from college that is struggling in their marriage or our neighbor who has just lost their job.  You don't have to look far to find someone to bless with your words of encouragement.

You don't even have to say much.  Simply, I'm thinking of you, would mean a lot.

When you step out and love someone else, you will reap a bounty of love for yourself to.

So, who will you choose today?

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If you are new to my blog, I am joining with over 700 bloggers in the 31 Day Series.  We have all committed to blogging about our passions for the month of October.

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