Saturday, October 15, 2011

31 Days of Loving Life {Day 15 Little Snowdrop}

Today is Pregnancy and Infant Loss Awareness day.  So many families experience the loss of a child and many suffer alone.  Below is a poem that I found online, that is a beautiful memorial to the precious little ones that left us too early.

Little SnowdropThe world may never notice
If a Snowdrop doesn't bloom,
Or even pause to wonder
If the petals fall too soon.
But every life that ever forms,
Or ever comes to be,
Touches the world in some small way
For all eternity.
The little one we long for
Was swiftly here and gone.
But the love that was then planted
Is a light that still shines on.
And though our arms are empty,
Our hearts know what to do.
Every beating of our hearts
Says of our love for you.
~ Author Unknown

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